Crystal Ball Reading


Crystal ball reading, also known as scrying, is a form of divination that involves gazing into a crystal ball or other reflective surface to gain insights or receive information. This practice has been used for centuries and is often associated with mysticism, fortune-telling, and spiritual exploration. Here's an overview of crystal ball reading:

Tool Used

The most common tool for crystal ball reading is, of course, a crystal ball. This ball is typically made of clear quartz, though other materials may be used. The crystal ball is believed to have the ability to amplify and focus psychic or intuitive abilities.


The crystal ball reader, often called a scryer or seer, begins by focusing their attention on the crystal ball. They may enter a meditative or altered state of consciousness to enhance their intuitive abilities. The crystal ball is then gazed upon, and the scryer interprets the images, symbols, or impressions that come to them.

Symbols and Images:

Practitioners of crystal ball reading believe that the ball may reveal symbolic images, scenes, or impressions that can be interpreted to provide insights into the past, present, or future. The interpretation relies heavily on the scryer's intuition and psychic abilities.

Intuition and Psychic Abilities:

Crystal ball reading is considered a form of extrasensory perception (ESP), where the reader taps into their intuition or psychic faculties to receive information. It's believed that the crystal ball serves as a focal point for the reader's concentration and connection to higher consciousness.


While the classic image of a crystal ball is prevalent, other reflective surfaces, such as mirrors or water, can also be used for scrying. Some practitioners use not only clear quartz but also other types of crystals with unique properties.

Spiritual and Metaphysical Uses

Crystal ball reading is often associated with spiritual and metaphysical practices. It is used for gaining insights, receiving guidance, and exploring one's spiritual path.

It's important to note that crystal ball reading, like other forms of divination, is subjective and not scientifically validated. Interpretations can vary among practitioners, and the effectiveness of the practice is often based on personal beliefs. People who engage in crystal ball reading often do so for spiritual exploration, self-reflection, or to seek guidance on specific aspects of their lives.